Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Return to the Blogosphere

Yes! I have returned. It took me a long time to discern whether writing regularly to a blog would be beneficial or even feasible. However, since I've told many people that I already use journaling as a means to decompress and care for myself, I figured it's time to either put up or shut up. I had written a blog in the past and it was quite interesting to see how much I had evolved as a person from my very first entry in June of 2001 through my last one in July of 2007. Various things prevented me from writing again, e.g. returning to school, not having enough time, and, quite honestly, apathy. I felt I had nothing interesting about which to write. After all, who wants to read about what I had, or did not have, for breakfast? Unless you're a scientist researching cereal trends or are incredibly voyeusteric, no one would care.

So why am I writing again? I need an outlet to voice my frustrations and share my thoughts. I am a social worker who works for a non-profit AODA/MH treatment agency. I work with an extremely challenging population and many times I take my work home with me. I'm sure my husband and sister are tired of seeing me mope or listen to me complain. I will try and not make this a bitch blog, but rather, share my journey in which I am evolving in my profession and as a person. I would enjoy feedback or commiseration, if that's even a word. I hope, above all, that writing this blog will be extremely therapeutic for me. If I am able to help myself then I will be a better clinician to my clients - at least I hope so.

1 comment:

  1. yay! I'm glad you are back!! And, just for the record-I'd read about what kind of cereal you eat for breakfast each morning-cause I'm weird like that. ;)

    I hope this helps relieve some stress, and I look forward to reading more about your work.
