Monday, August 9, 2010


"Maybe I've never really loved/I guess that is the truth/I've spent my whole life in clouds of icy altitude."
- Joni Mitchell "Amelia"

Today was a good day. I met with my husband's aunt to discuss her book. I highly encourage everyone to view her website about borderline personality disorder. It was so nice for me to share my life as the child of a person with BPD with someone else who understood. Part of me feels guilty for harboring such anger towards my mother. She was not an entirely bad person. Like I said in my previous post, there were a lot of fun times. I remember taking long night rides with her just so we could relax in an air conditioned car and escape the intense heat of our house which did not have air conditioning. I remember taking the heels of our loaves of bread to Chestnut Hill Cemetery so we could feed the ducks; then afterwards we would go to an ice cream stand and get frozen chocolate bananas. I remember her picking me up from kindergarten in her gold Trans-Am with the t-tops taken off and the Beach Boys playing on the radio. She would take us to the Burger King by Chapel Hill Mall in Akron for french fries and a paper crown. My aunt told me that she has begun to forgive her mother for her behavior and it helps her to know that she could not really help it. She gave me some perspective on my mother's behavior that I found comforting - BPD is like diabetes, it is an illness; however, if you know you have BPD and continue to act the same way and to not seek help, then that is a problem. My mother would never in a million years accept the fact that she has BPD. If she cannot even accept the fact that she is a drug addict, what makes me think her attitude about her mental illness would be different? This will be another family issue that will never be acknowledged, let alone addressed. This will be another ugly family secret swept under the rug. Another pink elephant walks into the room.

It was also wonderful to learn more about my husband's family. My husband is not necessarily the most talkative person in the world and his memory can be fuzzy. I feel that some of it just was not a concern to him. I, on the other hand, sometimes cannot shut up so he knows all of the intimate details about my family. It is cathartic to share my memories with someone who is not enmeshed with my family. I feel it helps him understand me more. You may wonder, why am I pouring my heart out on this blog? There are a few reasons 1. I have lost many journals from moving many times throughout the years. This helps me to be able to access my journal on line wherever I go and the likelihood of me losing it diminishes. 2. it has been very helpful for me to write down my thoughts and the pain that I have experienced in my life. I hope that by writing down my thoughts I can finally find some peace.

I wonder if it is normal for people who have loved ones with BPD to feel cheated? I remember that when I was really young I asked my mother why she did not cook dinner and take care of us like a real mother. She became very upset and her reason was that we did not appreciate it. She would make dinner, and we kids would not like it and my dad would not be hungry. What kind of reasoning is that? Little kids are finicky to begin with. I remember she sometimes made cream of mushroom soup which I thought was the most disgusting thing ever, and I remember refusing to eat it. I used to claim I was allergic to mushrooms. Now I love them. Should that be a reason to stop making dinner? It is like saying, 'I won't wash your clothes, because you'll just make them dirty again.' I always thought my mother's sadness and bitterness was her own fault. She could have gone out and had fun with her friends. She could have continued with her hobbies of making stained glass, embroidery, and needlepoint. She could have had date nights with our dad. She did not have to create her own prison and blame us for it. Children should be considered a blessing; not a punishment. My aunt has given me hope that things will get better. I will eventually be able to not only understand my mother but begin to forgive her. It will take a long time, but I know it will eventually happen. I hope it is sooner rather than later.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Lately I've been feeling myself slowly retreating back into the ugly darkness that is depression. I've dealt with it for most of my life, as you can read from my previous entry. To me, depression is as terrible as any disease and it can sometimes be fatal. It almost killed me twice. I have heard that people sometimes go into the mental health field to learn more about their illness and themselves. I did not. I knew enough about it to compel me to help others who have been in that situation. I know what it is like to feel stuck at the bottom of a deep pit, desperately trying to find a way to come back to the surface. I remember the worst days of my depression were those when I was an undergraduate in college feeling paralyzed in my bed while my room mates and friends went on with their lives. There were those days when I could see a beautiful blue sky and the sun shining off on the bright roof of Fribley from the bed. The days of dreariness and cold made me feel better because it almost justified my depression; however, when it was a beautiful day outside it only accentuated the deep chasm between my grief and the beauty of life. I had engaged in counseling while an undergrad, prompted by the break up of my first boyfriend. I have been on myriad medications. I understand the feeling some people have of being a guinea pig: Prozac was wonderful but its efficacy wore off very quickly due to the very scientific term of "serotonin poop-out;" Effexor made me very aggressive, and I even went looking for fights; Paxil gave me horrific nightmares; Anafranil (that should tell you how long ago this was) made me extremely thirsty and lethargic; Lithium increased my liver enzyme levels; Lexapro worked for a while but it, too, eventually stopped working and it made me feel numb. I have found my dream combination: Wellbutrin XR and Lamictal. It has served me well for nearly 3 years; however, I feel that their efficacies are reducing. I had a medication increase about a year ago, and now I am at the threshhold so if I choose to do something new it would either be adding another mood stabilizer - Abilify was discussed but I refuse to take it due to its side effects, i.e. increased blood sugar and weight gain - or removing 1 medication and adding another. I will once again return to being a guinea pig.

I was diagnosed with dysthymia and had been considered in full remission, as it had been over a year that I had been free from my depression. One thing I learned from attending an intensive outpatient program for those with mood disorders (I highly recommend the one offered through University Hospitals of Cleveland) is that sometimes when we begin to re-experience depression we don't realize it until it is too late. One thing I did was make a list of signs of depression and informed my husband, family, and friends about it. If they saw something on that list, they needed to tell me. My husband has come with me to therapy a few times, and my therapist has strongly encouraged him to contact her if he sees signs in me. It sort of helps though to remind people of the list as I have noticed my symptoms returning but only after more than one manifested itself. My list is as follows:
* making plans and then quickly trying to figure out how to get out of them
* listening to music more (a very big one)
* staying in my room or not wanting to leave the house
* having difficulty sleeping
* having difficulty eating
* increased irritability
* having difficulty doing work or things that I need to do around the house
* crying often
* being more self-critical and feeling worthless
* impaired concentration, i.e. having difficulty remembering things or participating in conversations
Lately, I've noticed that I don't want to do anything. I need to work out in the yard. I keep telling myself I will but I never get around to it. My house is a shambles. I can't bring myself to clean it. I am having a lot of trouble getting to sleep. I've been a lot more irritable and feeling very self-critical. As I'm writing this, I've been listening to my iPod for going on 4 hours. With the amount of music on it, I can listen to it continuously for about a week. I have come to the conclusion that I'm depressed. I burst into tears when I saw my therapist yesterday. That was definitely not something I had planned to do. I could see the disappointment in my therapist's face - not a bad thing. I know that look. I have had that look many times when I was working with drug-addicted clients and discovered that after a significant period of sobriety they had relapsed. I have relapsed.

My therapist and I tried to look at reasons for my depression. I mostly attributed it to feeling overwhelmed at work; however, we quickly discovered the root cause of all of it - my brother is getting married in about a month, and my mother is coming for the wedding. I nearly had a full-blown panic attack while discussing it. Bottom line is I don't want her here. I don't want her anywhere near me. I don't want to talk to her. I don't want to cater to her whims. I don't want anything to do with her. It saddened me even more to know that even though she is 2,000 miles away she still has so much power over me. Something important happened recently that I feel should have brought some comfort actually caused anxiety and my depression. My husband's aunt had written a book about her mother whom she suspected had borderline personality disorder. As I read her book, I began to feel chills. The realization slowly dawned on me that I was reading about my mother, too. I never saw it until that moment. My mother has bordlerine personality disorder. According the the National Institute of Mental Health, borderline personality disorder is:

"While a person with depression or bipolar disorder typically endures the same mood for weeks, a person with BPD may experience intense bouts of anger, depression, and anxiety that may last only hours, or at most a day. These may be associated with episodes of impulsive aggression, self-injury, and drug or alcohol abuse. Distortions in cognition and sense of self can lead to frequent changes in long-term goals, career plans, jobs, friendships, gender identity, and values. Sometimes people with BPD view themselves as fundamentally bad, or unworthy. They may feel unfairly misunderstood or mistreated, bored, empty, and have little idea who they are. Such symptoms are most acute when people with BPD feel isolated and lacking in social support, and may result in frantic efforts to avoid being alone.

People with BPD often have highly unstable patterns of social relationships. While they can develop intense but stormy attachments, their attitudes towards family, friends, and loved ones may suddenly shift from idealization (great admiration and love) to devaluation (intense anger and dislike). Thus, they may form an immediate attachment and idealize the other person, but when a slight separation or conflict occurs, they switch unexpectedly to the other extreme and angrily accuse the other person of not caring for them at all. Even with family members, individuals with BPD are highly sensitive to rejection, reacting with anger and distress to such mild separations as a vacation, a business trip, or a sudden change in plans. These fears of abandonment seem to be related to difficulties feeling emotionally connected to important persons when they are physically absent, leaving the individual with BPD feeling lost and perhaps worthless. Suicide threats and attempts may occur along with anger at perceived abandonment and disappointments.

People with BPD exhibit other impulsive behaviors, such as excessive spending, binge eating and risky sex. BPD often occurs together with other psychiatric problems, particularly bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, and other personality disorders."

My mother never had friends after she had children. Her family was her life, for better or worse - more worse. Her mood would switch very quickly: one moment she would be happy and loving; then the next minute she would get very angry and say hurtful things. I always kind of thought of her like Mommy Dearest, the portrayal of Joan Crawford as viewed by her daughter, Christina. I have felt like I walked on eggshells my entire life. I wouldn't be sure if I would be able to go out and have fun with my friends or have to stay home and be with her. I have never known her to attempt suicide or threaten to kill herself, but then she never knew about my suicide attempts until nearly 20 years after the fact. Everything had to be her way. If one little thing went wrong, it drove her crazy. She was never wrong. We were the ones who were wrong. She never apologized for anything terrible she did. She is a drug addict and used opioids to make herself escape from being stuck with 3 children and a mostly absent husband. Do not get me wrong, she was not a terrible person 24 hours a day. There were many moments of her being a loving and doting mother. There were times when we had so much fun together. I would even go so far to say that there was a somewhat significant period of time when she didn't really exhibit many symptoms of BPD; however, there were also days when I feared going home. I never knew what to expect. Would she be nice or mean today? To this day, I absolutely hate it when people hum. Whistling is okay but humming is like nails on a chalkboard to me because I always knew when she was going to do something horrible when she began humming. She hummed when she threw my Christmas presents away one year. She hummed when she would shower love and gifts on my siblings in front of me while also ignorng me. She hummed before she would say something terrible. She would throw temper tantrums if she didn't get her way. When my brother failed to call and let her know he made it to Cleveland safely as soon as he arrived, she told him that he had 24 hours to come home or else she would report the car stolen. When he did come home, she ignored him for days. She honestly could not understand why, after a few days, he ran away. She was not even hers for an hour when they arrived from California for my graduation for obtaining my Masters degree before she started ripping into my father. She accused me of keeping her trapped in the basement, which was the only place we could put them. She claimed she was in a lot of pain during my ceremony and left midway, and then retreated to the basement and refused to come upstairs for my graduation party. My brother had planned a full day of bonding with my father as they would go to an Indians game - something he wanted to do with him his whole life. My father had to tell him 'no' because my mother could not have him leave her. Her reasoning was that she recently had gastric bypass surgery and had been having problems with diarrhea. She needed him to clean it up if she had an accident. I offered to help her out, as this was not something new when I was young and caring for her. She insisted my father had to do it. Her most recent displays of BPD have been informing my sister that if the cat could not come to Ohio for the wedding, she at first said she would put him down, then she said she would not come at all. So, in addition to buying plane tickets for my parents and my sister, we have to pay another $100 each way so the cat can ride in the cabin on the plane. My sister recently had a health scare, and we thought she may have had cancer. We found out she has endometriosis. While the causes are unknown, my mother said that one way people can get the disease is having promiscuous sex. What right does she have to essentially tell me sister she is a whore? That was incredibly hurtful to her and to me. I told my father she needs to apologize to my sister, but of course she has not - and she will not. She did not do anything wrong.

It may sound callous of me, but we will be putting my parents up in a hotel. My sister can stay with us but my mother cannot, and that means, neither can my father. I will not let her ruin my brother's wedding. I informed my sister that I promise to behave until after the wedding. After that, I cannot guarantee my actions. I have told my therapist that I hate my mother. I do. I would rather hate her than not care. The moment I become apathetic towards her is the moment I will get scared. If I hate her, at least I still have feelings for her, as weird as that sounds. I have even went so far as to say I hope she dies before my father. If my father dies first one of us kids will have to care for her. Since we have a house, guess where she will end up? For my sanity, I cannot have her do that. I never thought I would put my parents in a nursing home; however, I may have to do that for my mother. I need to live for me. I have my own life. I need to break her power over me. I need to be free.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Teller of stories

It's been a while since I've last posted...a long while. It's not as if I haven't been writing - to the contrary, actually. My whole existence these days is based on writing. I am an assessor. When a person comes to my agency seeking help I am the one who conducts an interview to determine the person's needs and links her with the appropriate services. There's financial paperwork to complete, releases to sign, and all of that other fun stuff that gives one the impression she is signing her life away; then, there's completing the treatment plan, asking for information ranging from one's childhood through what mental health symptoms/signs of drug abuse one is experiencing, and then scheduling appointments to meet with the psychiatrist, case manager, and/or substance abuse treatment counselor. It amazes me how people are usually trusting enough to share their most intimate details with someone they have just met. I feel honored at the amount of times people have said to me, "I've never told anyone this before" or "I feel very comfortable with you." It validates my role as a caring professional. It makes me feel good about myself; however, the work can be overwhelming. The easy part is the interview. The difficult part is writing the bio-psycho-social narrative that will accompany that person's chart at this agency and beyond. I am always cognizant that the mental health diagnosis I give a person who has never sought mental health services before will follow her forever.

I have often wondered how I would appear on paper if I was on the other side of the desk and coming to my agency for an assessment. Since I write about other peoples' lives for a living, I thought I'd write one for myself on this blog.
Presenting Problem:
Client is a 34 year-old married bi-racial female who is seeking to engage in mental health services due to a history of depression. She reports that she has been dealing with depression since childhood and has engaged in multiple mental health treatment programs. She expresses her desire to engage in pharmacologic management, behavioral health counseling, and anger management. She states that her goal for this assessment is “to learn to effectively manage my depression in order to lead a happy and productive life.”

Biomedical conditions:
Client reports that she has medical insurance and receives her medical care through University Hospitals and has a primary care physician and a chronic pain management physician. She reports that she has fibromyalgia, an ulcer, and hypoglycemia. She reports that she has had 2 surgical procedures - a dilation and evacuation procedure to remove a polyp in her uterus in 2008 and an excision to remove a 3rd degree chemical burn from her left buttock in 1996 (an aside, I accidentally sat in 6M HCl in O-chem lab as a sophomore in college). She denies ever sustaining head trauma. She denies having any advanced directives. She reports that she is taking the following medications - over-the-counter Prilosec (dosage unknown, qd) for an ulcer; Lyrica (60mg, bid) for fibromyalgia; and Zanaflex (6mg, hs) for fibromyalgia. She reports that she is also taking Loesterin 24 for birth control. She reports that she is allergic to Morphine and Compazine. She describes her appetite as "fair" and her sleep as "good."
Recovery Environment:
Client reports that she has been living in her own home with her husband for the past 7 years. She denies having access to firearms.

Client reports that she was born in Akron, OH, and raised in various cities in Ohio and in Belle Plaine, Iowa, by her mother, who is a retired nurse, and her father, who is a retired physician. She reports that the relationship with her mother is strained, and the relationship with her father is "okay - only because I don't get to speak with him often. If I talk with my dad I have to talk with my mom." She reports that she has 2 siblings - a younger sister, who lives in California, and a younger brother, who lives in the area. She states that she has an "excellent" relationship with her siblings. She describes her childhood as “dysfunctional.” She reports that, for the most part, her basic needs were met. She denies having any children. She denies ever serving in the military.

Client reports that she became sexually active at the age of 18. She identifies herself as heterosexual. She reports that when she has engaged in sexual activity, she has sometimes used condoms. She reports currently engaging in a sexual relationship. She reports that she was tested for HIV a year ago, and the results were negative.

Client reports that the highest level of education she has completed was obtaining a Masters degree in social work. She reports that she is currently employed part-time as an assessor at a local mental health/substance abuse treatment agency. She reports that she has income.

Client denies a history of legal involvement.

Client reports that her family, her friends, and God are her support system. She reports that she believes in a Higher Power and identifies herself as Roman Catholic.

Client reports that she has used alcohol in her lifetime. She reports that she first drank at the age of 21 and regards herself as a casual drinker. She denies endorsing criteria for abuse or dependence. She reports that she last drank in 10/09. She denies ever engaging in a substance abuse treatment program. She denies ever attending 12-step meetings. She reports a history of gambling, sheepishly admitted to gambling away her Christmas bazaar money by losing at chess in the 4th grade. She reports a familial history of substance abuse that includes her mother and her maternal aunt, who have been addicted to opioids.

Emotional Health:
Client reports a history of mental health treatment that began at the age of 8 when she first engaged in counseling at school for family issues. She reports that she first engaged in pharmacologic management at the age of 12. She reports that she was diagnosed with depression and given "happy pills" as neither her psychiatrist nor her parents informed her the name of the medication. She reports that the medication did not help as it did not improve her mood, and it made her mouth very dry. She reports that she re-engaged in counseling as an undergraduate at Case Western Reserve University and also briefly engaged in counseling 10 years ago when she was living in Dayton, OH. She reports that she has most recently been engaged in counseling for the past 5 years through University Hospitals. She reports that she briefly received pharmacological management services 10 years ago while living in Dayton, OH, and had been taking Effexor XR, Prozac, and Paxil. She reports that the Prozac was helpful but the Paxil gave her nightmares and the Effexor made her very aggressive, stating "I was looking for fights." She reports that she lost her medical insurance and did not resume pharmacologic management services until 5 years ago when she got married and was put on her husband's medical insurance. She reports that she was receiving services at University Hospital; however, her psychiatrist has taken a fellowship and she is in need of obtaining a new psychiatrist. She reports that she is currently taking Wellbutrin XR (450mg qd) and Lamictal (qd) 300mg for depression. She reports that the medications are helping but feels that their efficacy has been steadily decreasing and is not averse to trying something new.

Client denies a history of hospitalizations for mental health reasons. She reports a history of suicidal ideation and 2 past suicide attempts. She reports the first time was when she was 8 years old when she almost stabbed herself in the chest with a butcher knife; however, she reports that one of her paternal aunts caught her before she could harm herself. She reports that shortly before the age of 10 she attempted suicide by overdosing on Valium, but only succeeded in taking 2 pills before stopping, stating "God gave me a sign to stop." She reports the attempt at the age of 10 was the last time she experienced any suicidal ideation. She denies a history of homicidal ideation.

Client reports that she first experienced depression when she was 6 years old. She reports that her mother was constantly ill when she was young, and the pressure of having to take care of her younger siblings, her mother, and herself was too much to handle sometimes. She reports experiencing at least 4 distinct periods of depression that have lasted at least 6 months each. She reports that the last time she experienced depression lasting for 2 weeks or longer was a month ago. She reports endorsing the following criteria for major depressive disorder: sadness; feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness; lack of appetite; excessive sleep; racing thoughts; excessive worry; increased irritability; impaired concentration; and lack of energy. She reports that her longest period of depression lasted almost consistently for 9 years - from 1996, that was triggered by the break-up from her first boyfriend, through 2005, when she re-engaged in mental health treatment. As she did not meet full criteria for major depressive disorder consistently for 9 years but admits to being depressed, she does endorse criteria for dysthymic disorder.

Client denies ever experiencing symptoms indicative of (hypo)mania; therefore, she does not endorse criteria for bipolar disorder. She denies experiencing anxiety or panic disorder. She denies experiencing hallucinations that were not medication-induced. She denies experiencing any delusions. She does experience periods of paranoia in which she feels that catastrophic events will occur and harm her or her family. She reports that she will get upset with her husband for not locking the car doors or back door for fear that someone will open the door and harm them. Although she denies experiencing suicidal ideation, she reports that a year ago she was experiencing terrible thoughts of turning the steering wheel sharply while speeding down I-71 and wondering what would happen.

Client reports experiencing periods of anger that negatively impact her relationship with family and friends, and she is also reports problems with "road rage." She expresses her interest in anger management.
Client reports an extensive familial history of mental illness as her sister and father have depression. She expresses her belief that her mother, maternal grandmother, and one of her maternal great-grandmothers may have (had) borderline personality disorder. She reports that her mother has a history of anxiety disorder. She reports that a maternal cousing also suffered from depression and committed suicide 11 years ago.

Client denies a history of physical abuse; however, she reports a history of sexual abuse as she reports that she was repeatedly molested by a neighbor between the ages of 7 and 8 and date-raped by her first boyfriend. She reports that she was also emotionally abused by her first boyfriend. She reports that this behavior continues to affect her today.

Mental Status Evaluation:
Client presented for the assessment appearing well-groomed and displayed euthymic mood with full range of affect. She was alert and oriented x3, and her thought process was tangential. She was able to provide an organized history, and her speech was normal in tone, volume, and content. Her psychomotor activity was within normal limits. Her fund of knowledge was appropriate for her age and education level. No internal stimulation was noticed. She denied any suicidal/homicidal ideation.


Axis I:   300.04, Dysthymic disorder, full remission; R/O 296.32, Major depressive disorder, recurrent, moderate
Axis II: 799.9, Diagnosis deferred
Axis III: Fibromyalgia; hypoglycemia
Axis IV: none reported by client
Axis V: 70

The rest basically consists of a summary and the treatment recommendations. In my case, I would refer myself for behavioral health counseling, pharmacologic management, and anger management.
This exercise has given me a much greater appreciation for the trust bestown upon me by my clients. I don't think I could share so much to a person I just met for an hour. I feel vulnerable sharing all of this; however, I feel that it was also a cathartic experience to see how my life is similar to those I meet everyday. Some are worse off than I am, and others are more well-adjusted - that or they are minimizing their disclosure. It also helps me to see that while I have issues, I have come a long way. I have a good, even wonderful, life. I am sitting in my house with my baby kitty sitting next to me. My best friend and husband are playing Mario Galaxy. U2's "Discotheque" is playing on my iPod. Life is good. :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Hello, my name is Persephone, and I'm a food addict and an emotional eater. It has taken me a long time to admit this and now I can begin my journey towards understanding my addiction and being able to manage it.

Step 1: "We have admitted we were powerless over food - that our lives had become unmanageable." (Overeaters Anonymous)

I'd like to change that slightly to - I have admitted I AM powerless over food - that my life HAS become unmanageable. It seems more appropriate to phrase it in the present tense as an addiction is something one has to manage for life. The way OA presents it seems like it's a past thing and it's over with.

I am trying to remember when I first became addicted to food. It's been a long time. I remember being little and not having access to food. I don't remember if I had eaten at meal times and would sneak downstairs in the middle of the night looking for food because I was still hungry, or if I hadn't been fed and I was looking for something to eat. I came from a rather dysfunctional family and it wouldn't surprise me if the reason was the latter. We didn't really have healthy food in the house either. I remember sneaking frozen coconut bon bons from the freezer and stepping on the lowered door of the dishwasher to reach into the cabinet where my mother hid her stash of Hostess treats, e.g. Ho-Ho's, Twinkies, fruit pies, and ding-dongs.

I was never thin, either. I remember going from having baby fat to just being fat. I think, if I really want to analyze this, even at a very young age, i.e. 5 years old, I was already seeking comfort in food when I could not get the affection of my parents. I remember being overweight as early as 8 when my pediatrician put me on a diet. I remember being placed on diet pills when I was 9 and all they made me feel was sick, dizzy, and shaky. They didn't seem to work and my weight continued to rise at a dangerous pace until I reached a plateau at the age of 15. By then I weighed 235lbs and had already been dealing with hypertension and hypoglycemia, a precursor to diabetes.

I remember a talk my mother had with me around that time, as I was a freshman in high school, that it was important for me to lose weight or else no one would want to date me and I would have no one with whom to go to prom. Sure, those words stung, and they worked for by the time I had graduated high school I had lost 35lbs. The notorious "freshman 15" in college did not apply to me as I lost an additional 10lbs. Despite the drastic weight loss, it was not done in a healthy way. I became anorexic for a while. I fasted and ate very little, if at all, when I was in high school. In college, I was too busy with classes and activities to eat. My reward was occasionally passing out. I remember walking home one night from Physics lab and passing out somewhere near Thwing on Euclid Ave. I had no idea how long I was lying there as no one helped me.

My second semester of my freshman year in college I fell in love - hard. My boyfriend instilled such confidence in me that I stopped losing weight and slowly began to gain the weight back. When he broke up with me nearly 2 years later all of that confidence left me again but I didn't lose the weight, I compensated for my sadness by eating. In a matter of months, not only had I gained all of the weight I had lost since high school but I gained an additional 15lbs. I yo-yo'd back and forth until I reached my freshman high school weight minus 5lbs by the time I graduated from college.

I feel emotional eating definitely played a role throughout the years from childhood until adulthood but my food addiction did not truly manifest itself until a few months after graduation. It started innocuously enough with a small bag of Hershey Kisses. I had been working a temp job, taking a year off before I went to grad school, and kept the candy handy when I would get hypoglycemic from lack of eating as I often worked straight through lunch. I did not touch that bag of Kisses for 2 months until I did get really hypoglycemic and I didn't have access to orange juice or something more substantial. I ate 1 Kiss, which turned into 2, which turned into 3. I took the bag home with me and continued to eat them until all of the Kisses were gone. I bought another bag the next day and ate them all by the end of the day. This pattern continued for a few days until I realized it was bad and I stopped; however, my craving became instatiable and soon I found myself going out to Krogers during my lunch break and buying a dozen cinnamon rolls to compensate. Sometimes I would go to Aldi's to buy a bag of chocolate chip cookies. No matter what I bought, by the end of the day it was gone. When I got paid at the end of the week I would go to a Hallmark store that was out of my way from my usual route home and would buy 4lbs of fudge that would be gone in a matter of 2 days. In a matter of 5 months I had gained nearly 70lbs. I could not walk long distances without my back and/or knees hurting. The chocolate, especially, wreaked havoc on my gastrointestinal system. My craving for sweets had spiralled out of control. I tried to quit cold turkey but I would feel shaky and get migraines. I'd have to eat something sweet to make me feel better. It was a very horrible time for me. I had also been feeling depressed. I felt trapped by living at home and working at a job that bored me. I felt like a failure as my dream of going to med school didn't materialize. I felt like the world had passed me by and I compensated by eating.

Shortly after my temp job ended I weighed 300lbs and slowly started to lose the weight. Once again I yo-yo'd - lose 20lbs and gain 10lbs; lose 10lbs and gain 5lbs. This cycle continued for 5 years until I stopped yo-yo'ing and steadily lost the weight. During this time my depression worsened and I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Once again I have reached a plateau and have hovered around the same weight +/- 10lbs for 3 years. I gave up chocolate entirely for a little while and eat it sparingly now. I greatly reduced my intake of sweets and cut pop from my diet. I have continued to diet but I seem to be stuck.

I had heard the term "emotional eating" for a long time but never once thought that applied to me. I thought to myself, "I don't eat when I'm happy or sad. That's ridiculous." I have realized now that I am indeed an emotional eater. Sometimes when I have a bad day I'll think to myself, "screw it, I want something bad," e.g. a piece of cake or fast food. I also noticed I did the same thing when I was happy, "I had a good day and I'm going to reward myself with a piece of cake or a nice large meal from a restaurant." The bad types of food, however, are not only triggered by emotions but also by cravings. I will crave a Whopper or a Big Mac (which I had not eaten since the age of 8) or a piece of tiramasu from Zagara's. I will reason to myself, "I really want a quarter pounder with cheese and large french fries but I'll get a double cheeseburger and small fries instead." It's still satisfying to addiction.

I never made the connection between my use of food to satisfy cravings and to make me feel better with drug addiction. I work in the chemical dependency field and had no problem trying to convince my clients to abstain from their drug use. How can I convince them to be sober when I can't even manage my own addiction? I feel like a hypocrite. The difference between my addiction and theirs is my clients are required to abstain from all mood-/mind-altering drugs and alcohol (excluding psych meds) but I can't abstain from food. One can make the argument that I can stay away from bad food - and one would be right; however, I have also tried that and always seem to overcompensate with something else. I don't think it's a matter of eating right so much as addressing the reasons for my addiction. I have already provided a few reasons but there is one more.

It is amazing how one's self-esteem can take years and years to build, only to be taken to nothing in a matter of days/months. I feel that when I get to the point of making progress, re: my addiction, I relapse - I sabotage myself. Certain events that have occurred in my life have caused my inability to move forward. It does not even matter that I have a husband who worships the ground I walk. When I see myself to start improving in a physical sense, something holds me back.

I have seriously contemplated having gastric bypass, much to the protestations of my sister and husband. They have faith in me; I do not. Morever, if I even have the surgery done it still does not address the addiction. Alcoholics who are dying from a liver disease or are suffering from pancreatitis still drink despite the intense pain. Having gastric bypass is no guarantee that the weight will stay completely off. There have been people already who have gained all of it back. The stomach is like a rubber band and can expand with time and the addition of more and more food. If I want to get better, I have to address my addiction and emotions behind my eating. I have decided to join Overeaters Anonymous. I am grateful that there is an organization that addresses the addiction of food. Perhaps with some soul-searching, learning new tools, and working the steps I can move on with my life.